Join CMS Scotland's expert speakers for a webinar on IP developments in the Food & Drink sector with a particular focus on recent cases, north and south of the border. The webinar will provide an overview of the main issues to be aware of in this area, as well as some practical learnings from the recent case law.
Wednesday 12 June
09:30 - 10:15
Neeraj Thomas
Neeraj Thomas is a partner in our Technology, Intellectual Property and Media team and heads up our Scottish IP disputes practice.
Neeraj has significant expertise in all areas of contentious intellectual property including trade marks, patents, copyright, confidential information and designs. He has acted for a number of large international, UK and Scottish companies and is very experienced in managing and running contentious IP litigation, the majority of which takes place in the Court of Session (Scotland’s Supreme Court). He is one of a handful of IP litigators accredited as an IP specialist by the Law Society of Scotland and sits on the Law Society of Scotland’s IP sub-committee.