Bellfield Brewery Launches 'Choose Local' Campaign

An award-winning brewery is urging beer fans to “choose local” to help save Scotland’s under pressure drinks industry.

Industry news
Published: 16/12/2022

An award-winning brewery is urging beer fans to “choose local” to help save Scotland’s under pressure drinks industry.

Edinburgh’s Bellfield Brewery, which today launches a new campaign: Think Local - Drink Local, is now calling on the nation’s army of beer fans to support their local independent breweries.

They say doing so could save thousands of jobs across Scotland.

Research by the firm* shows that if every adult in Edinburgh bought one pint of locally brewed beer once a month, the impact of local spending power would help support hundreds of jobs in the city alone.

Breweries generally - and small breweries like Bellfield in particular - are facing tough times this winter as energy price rises, increases in the cost of CO2 and malt, shipping and packaging all combine in a toxic cocktail that could see many businesses fail.

They say some really great breweries are closing every month, falling victim to the brutal economic situation and the cost of living crisis.

Bellfield is launching the Think Local Drink Local campaign and using the 12 days before Christmas to promote many of the local businesses they work with, via their social media channels.

Bellfield is one of a burgeoning number of craft breweries in the city that have sprung up over the last decade, thanks in part to the excellent water that first made the city famous for brewing in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Speaking about the new campaign, Bellfield Director, Alistair Brown urged people to buy local beer to support their local breweries - or risk losing them. He said:

“We’re calling on beer drinkers in the city and beyond to buy beer from their local brewery, even if it’s just once a month, to help support jobs in local businesses - breweries, taprooms, pubs, bars and all our suppliers. And if you’re in a supermarket or bottle shop please choose beers from local, independent producers.

“During the pandemic, lots of people changed their shopping habits and made a point of buying local. This made a massive difference to small businesses in the city and helped many of us to survive.

“We’re now once again asking people for their support.

“Our campaign Think Local - Drink Local is an easy - and, dare I say - enjoyable way to show your support and it could literally be a lifeline for small local businesses like ours this winter.”

*The figures are based on population and demographics from NRS Scotland ; using a figure of 400,000 adults x £6 a pint, once a month and an ‘average’ wage in the small breweries in Edinburgh of £28,000pa.

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