Trade Opportunities in China: Roundtable

Aug 21, 2023

Market development

Following Glasgow Chamber’s trade visit to Shanghai and Hangzhou in 2019, the Chamber has been working closely with partners in China to build relationships and secure support in order to help Scottish businesses enter the China market. On the 21 August, they will welcome to Glasgow Orient International Enterprise, a state-owned Chinese distributor who is interested in meeting with Scottish businesses. Orient is looking to meet with businesses from across all sectors, however is particularly interested in Food & Drink, Technology, Luxury Brands and Fashion / Textiles.

During the roundtable there will be the opportunity for businesses to learn about current opportunities in Shanghai, what support is available with Orient and how to export products to China. We will also hear first hand from Amir Bawi, CEO of House of Glenroy who has been working with Orient over the past year. Amir will share his experiences of exporting to China and will be available to answer questions.

If you have any questions,, please contact 

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