Scotland Food & Drink Partnership: Our Net Zero Commitment

We announced our Net Zero Commitment in November 2021 at COP26, and it sets out how our we will support the industry to meet its targets, by addressing the challenges and opportunities throughout the food and drink supply chain by a just transition to Net Zero.

We are here to build on the efforts already taken to maintain our high environmental standards and provide leadership, advice and guidance to food and drink businesses, wherever they are on their Net Zero journey.

Over the past few months, the Scotland Food & Drink Partnership Net Zero Commitment have engaged with Sustainability and Net Zero leads from leading retailers and food service organisations to understand their expectations for suppliers and the support available.

The findings have been promising, revealing substantial commercial opportunities for Scottish suppliers committed to progressing on their Net Zero journey.

This webinar series offers a great opportunity to gain valuable insights and practical guidance for positioning your business on the path to Net Zero.

Navigating Net Zero Handbook

To equip Scotland’s food and drink businesses with the tools to reduce their emissions in line with the national 2045 target, the Scotland Food & Drink Partnership’s Net Zero Commitment has launched a handbook to make sense of the technical language and jargon around sustainability.

Download the handbook here

FDF: Achieving Net Zero - A Handbook for the Food And Drink Sector

Practical guidance for food and drink manufacturers to achieve Net Zero emissions from one of our partners, The Food and Drink Federation.

Sustainability case studies

The world is in the midst of a climate emergency. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns that urgent action is essential to prevent surpassing 1.5 degrees of warming—a pivotal threshold that poses severe risks to both people and the natural world.

As the nation’s largest manufacturing sector, Scotland’s £15 billion food and drink industry is rising to the challenge, embracing sustainability to safeguard its future and the natural resources it depends on. 

Below are examples of Scottish food and drink producers making strides toward sustainability. From those just beginning their net zero journey to those already leading the way, these businesses demonstrate the leadership and ambition needed to help achieve Scotland’s net zero targets while inspiring others to follow suit.

green fields with water in the distance

Scotland Food & Drink Partnership Support

The Net Zero Commitment Programme is providing leadership and guidance to the Scottish food and drink industry on its journey to net zero. 

Food and Drink Federation Scotland is hosting this programme on behalf of the Scotland Food & Drink Partnership. This is part of partnership's Net Zero Commitment to ensure we can deliver net zero food and drink products on our supermarket shelves by 2045. 

Funding support available

The Find Business Support search tool allows you to search for support in your sector and/or region for sustainability and net zero help.

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Business Energy Scotland

Offering loans to SMEs at 0% interest over 8-years for up to £100k with up to £20k back for energy efficiency and renewable investment. 

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Sustainability specialists can provide a tailored plan to improve the efficiency of your premises, products or processes, reduce your energy costs, and help you investigate renewable energy options.

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The Low Carbon Manufacturing Challenge (LCMCF)

The LCMCF supports projects that will speed up the transition to a low carbon economy in the manufacturing industry. Grants with a minimum value of £150,000 are available. We suggest contacting them directly to assess your eligibility.

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This booklet from Department of Energy & Climate Change offers advice to SMEs about energy reduction.

Download guide (pdf)

Social Enterprise Scotland

produced this webinar about reducing energy costs in businesses.

Find out more

Energy Savings Trust offers up to £150,000 of loan support for transitioning to low carbon transport.

Find out more


The Knowledge Bank

This comprehensive insight service gives you access to a unique and effective blend of customised market research, data analysis and consumer insights.  

Find out how your target audience feel about net zero, what your competitors are doing to achieve net zero and how you can work with your supply chain to improve your environmental impact.  

The knowledge bank Logo

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